Prof. Mylène Riva
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
McGill University
[email protected]
Bonjour! Hello!
Welcome to my research group's website. I am an Associate Professor at McGill University in the Department of Geography. I hold the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Housing, Community, and Health. I am a health geographer and population health researcher. My research activities are focused on socio-environmental determinants of health in urban, rural, remote and Indigenous communities. I am particularly interested in housing and communities as important place-based determinants of health and as settings for interventions to improve population health and to reduce inequalities. Current projects look at the intersection between access to energy and health and well-being, as well as climate change adaptations in the community of Tuktoyaktuk. lead and collaborate on various scientific initiatives in these areas. I hold a BSc in Geography and PhD in Public Health and Health Promotion from Université de Montreal. I was a postdoctoral fellow in Health Geography at Durham University in the UK, and held a Banting postdoctoral fellowship at Université Laval. Prior to joining McGill in 2016, I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at Université Laval and researcher at CHU de Quebec Research Center (2012-2016).
Department of Geography
McGill University
Burnside Hall
805 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC, H3A 0B9