
At Home in the North

This project aims to facilitate connections and collaborations between communities in the territorial and provincial Norths that are experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. Bringing together partners across academia, government and advocacy, the project creates, shares and mobilizes knowledge on homelessness and housing insecurity. It identifies possibilities for culturally-safe, contextually-relevant housing creation and construction, housing programs, and wrap-around social supports for northerners experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness. In doing so, it expands understanding and fills knowledge gaps concerning northern homelessness and housing insecurity across Canada’s Norths and ultimately fills these gaps through the development of a Northern Housing Strategy.

Prof. Riva serves on the executive committee for this project and is the co-lead of the Health Synthesis Stream focus area. The project is led by Dr. Julia Christensen, CRC in Northern Governance and Public Policy, and hosted by Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN).

Canadian Housing Evidence Collaborative

The Canadian Housing Evidence Collaborative (CHEC) is the knowledge mobilization hub for the Collaborative Housing Research Network, a pan-Canadian, cross-sectoral network dedicated to providing the evidence needed to meet the goals of Canada’s National Housing Strategy. CHEC includes five nodes of research: Community Housing | Northern Housing | Housing for those in Greatest Need | Balanced Supply in Housing, and | Sustainable Housing.

Prof. Riva serves on the Steering Committee and Indigenous Advisory Group for this project. She is also the Chair of Trainee Support for research objective three, which aims to rapidly build, attract, and retain housing research capacity.

Header Photo: Dr. Marie Baron