Team members Laurianne, Sophie, and Asia went to Bridgewater geared with presentations and engaging activities to share the results of the research on the BridgES project thus far back to Bridgewater residents.
Read more here.
September 30th, 2024
New Report Explores Energy poverty from the perspective of households in small-town Atlantic Canada
Congratulations to team member Laurianne Debanné for her recent publication: "Energy poverty, housing and daily life: A Summary Report".
September 20nd, 2024
New Article Report looks at the intersection between energy poverty and health in small-town Atlantic Canada
Congratulations to team members Laurianne Debanné, Sophie Kutuka, and Morgen Bertheussen for their recent publication: "Energy poverty and well-being at the local level: Insights from a community-wide survey in Atlantic Canada".
September 16th, 2024
New Article Report Explores neighbourhood policing of homelessness in Montreal, Canada
Congratulations to team member Hannah Brais for her recent publication: "Shelter in place: neighborhood policing of homelessness in Montreal, Canada".
July 30th, 2024
Congratulations to Maria!
This Fall, Honours Undergraduate student Maria Gheorghiu was the recipient of the Best Undergraduate Research Poster award (second place) at the McGill Centre for Innovation in Storage and Conversion of Energy research poster session.
McGill University researchers measure energy burden in Bridgewater
Now that Energize Bridgewater is operational — linking residents with incentives, assistance, and renovation expertise for energy upgrades — a team of researchers from McGill University will spend the next several years measuring the impacts of Energize Bridgewater on health and well-being.
New Paper Explores the Impacts of Energy Poverty on Health and Well-being in the Canadian Context
Congratulations to team members Prof. Riva and Sophie for their recent publication in the Canadian Journal of Public health, "Energy poverty: an overlooked determinant of health and climate resilience in Canada". This paper explores the relationship between energy poverty and health in the Canadian context...
New Paper Explores the Effects of Resource Extraction on Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada
Congratulations to lab member Ella Myette and Prof. Riva for their recent publication in The Extractive Industries and Society, “Surveying the complex social-ecological pathways between resource extraction and Indigenous Peoples’ health in Canada: A scoping review with a realist perspective.” This paper explores the connections between resource extraction projects in...
Congratulations to Hannah Brais and Sophie Kingunza Makasi
We are pleased to announce that team members Hannah Brais and Sophie Kingunza Makasi have been awarded scholarships to support their graduate research. Hannah received the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral – from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to continue her work examining...
New Report Explores Energy poverty from the perspective of service providers
Congratulations to team member Laurianne Debanné for her recent publication: "Energy poverty from the perspective of service providers".
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July 2nd, 2024
Laurianne and Sophie present their research at the 2023 RGS conference
Sophie and Laurianne attended the Royal Geographical Society's Annual Conference in London in September.
Congratulations to Morgen and Sophie!
Congratulations to team members Morgen Bertheussen and Sophie Kingunza Makasi for successfully completing their Masters Thesis!
New Paper Explores the Considerations of Inclusivity Among Women Accessing an Open Door Housing Service in Canada
Congratulations to team member Hannah Brais for her recent publication in the International Journal on Homelessness, "Inside the Open Door: Considerations of Inclusivity Among Women Accessing an Open Door Housing Service in Canada".
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January 6, 2023
New Paper Explores the Prevalence, Social and Spatial Distribution, and Implications for Research and Policy of Energy Poverty in Canada
Congratulations to team members Mylene Riva and Sophie Kinguza Makasi for their recent publication in Energy Research & Social Science, "Energy poverty in Canada: Prevalence, social and spatial distribution, and implications for research and policy".
New Illustrations Highlight Results from Study on the Impacts of Social Housing Construction in Inuit Communities
In a recent paper, authors Karine Perreault, Prof. Mylene Riva, Philippe Dufresne, and Prof. Christopher Fletcher examine the relationship between living in overcrowded conditions and sense of home among nearly 300 Inuit. The paper, “Overcrowding and sense of home in the Canadian Arctic,” is published in Housing Studies. Now, interested...