
I am always open to recruiting undergraduate/honours student(s) and graduate student(s) (Master’s or Ph.D.) interested in pursuing quantitative work on the topic of housing as a social determinant of health for Inuit, First Nations, and non-Indigenous urban and rural populations in Canada. Potential projects include exploring the impacts of changing housing conditions for health in the Canadian Arctic; the relationships between housing conditions and access to health care, employment, and education for First Nations; and the role of housing as a determinant of health for urban and rural dwellers in Canada.

For current undergraduate students, please consult the Geography Honours program for general information, eligibility, and schedule.

Please see below for the information that I would like receive with an initial email enquiry. Some initial funding may be available, but students are expected to additionally pursue external sources of support.

Prospective undergraduate students:

Contact me at any time regarding supervision for a Geography Honours project, independent study projects, or summer research opportunities.

Prospective graduate students and postdoctoral trainees:

Contact me as early as possible to discuss research interests, suitability, and feasibility. In addition, please consult the Geography Graduate Program webpage for information regarding admission process and admission standards and criteria. Note that the deadline for admission is January 31.

We're recruiting! See PhD posting: Energy poverty for more information 

When contacting me as a prospective student, please include all of the following in your email:

  • A paragraph or two on your research interests and the topic(s) you would like to explore
  • A copy of your CV
  • A copy of your academic transcript(s) (unofficial version accepted)


Click here to email Prof. Riva

Header Photo: Dr. Marie Baron